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Green Card Lottery

Discussie gestart


Hallo, ik had een vraagje. Ik ben zelf geboren in Amsterdam en ik woon ook in Nederland. Echter beschik ik ook over een Marokkaans paspoort. Dus ik vroeg me af of ik me ook als Marokkaan kan aanmelden voor de green card lottery, ondanks dat ik in Nederland woon , er ben geboren en de nederlandse nationaliteit heb. Ik vraag me dit af omdat Marokkanen eerder de green card lottery winnen dan nederlanders omdat Marokko meer inwoners heeft en niet zo veel Inwoners in Amerika hebben. Dank u voor uw hulp.
#1 - 18-02-2012, 15:20 uur

Old Faithful

 To enter the DV program, you must be a native of one of the listed countries. See List Of Countries By Region Whose Natives Qualify.

Native of a qualifying country: In most cases, this means the country in which you were born. However, there are two other ways you may be able to qualify. First, if you were born in a country whose natives are ineligible but your spouse was born in a country whose natives are eligible, you can claim your spouse’s country of birth—provided that both you and your spouse are on the selected entry, are issued visas, and enter the United States simultaneously. Second, if you were born in a country whose natives are ineligible, but neither of your parents was born there or resided there at the time of your birth, you may claim nativity in one of your parents’ countries of birth if it is a country whose natives qualify for the DV-2013 program.


#2 - 18-02-2012, 17:18 uur

Old Faithful


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