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Amerikaanse politiek/overheid/samenleving => Amerikaanse samenleving => Topic gestart door: Wop op 21-12-2004, 10:13 uur

Titel: Amerikanen zijn Rumsfeld zat
Bericht door: Wop op 21-12-2004, 10:13 uur
Amerikanen zijn Rumsfeld zat

Uitgegeven: 21 december 2004 07:41

WASHINGTON - Een meerderheid van de Amerikanen wil dat de Amerikaanse minister van Defensie, Rumsfeld, opstapt. Uit een maandag gepubliceerd onderzoek blijkt dat 52 procent van de ondervraagden vindt dat de bewindsman weg moet.

Van 36 procent mag Rumsfeld, die de post sinds 2001 bekleedt, blijven. De minister raakte afgelopen weekeinde nog in opspraak omdat hij condoleancebrieven aan nabestaanden van gesneuvelde militairen in Irak niet persoonlijk ondertekende. Veel parlementariėrs bekritiseren de manier waarop Rumsfeld de oorlog in Irak aanpakt.

Het onderzoek vond plaats in opdracht van de krant USA Today en de nieuwszender CNN.
Titel: Re:Amerikanen zijn Rumsfeld zat
Bericht door: persianBrit op 21-12-2004, 16:22 uur
lijkt me een duidelijke zaak..: weg met Rumsfeld.
als een politicus niet the vertrouwen heeft van de meerderheid van de Amerikanen , dan hoeft die geen seconde langer in functie te blijven.

52% is een behoorlijk aantal ...

dus: Rumsfeld = TOEDELEDOKI!!
Titel: Re:Amerikanen zijn Rumsfeld zat
Bericht door: xerxesc op 21-12-2004, 20:37 uur
lijkt me een duidelijke zaak..: weg met Rumsfeld.
als een politicus niet the vertrouwen heeft van de meerderheid van de Amerikanen , dan hoeft die geen seconde langer in functie te blijven.

52% is een behoorlijk aantal ...

dus: Rumsfeld = TOEDELEDOKI!!

Nou Idiot Bush nog en dan zijn we weer happy!!!
Titel: Re:Amerikanen zijn Rumsfeld zat
Bericht door: Norbert op 21-12-2004, 21:55 uur
Moeten we helaas nog vier jaar wachten..... >:( >:(
Titel: Re:Amerikanen zijn Rumsfeld zat
Bericht door: Chiefram op 22-12-2004, 01:16 uur
Wat heeft iedereen toch tegen Bush! Ik ben blij dat die eikel van een Kerry niet gewonnen heeft...

Bush is tenminste een ras echte Amerikaan zoals een Amerikaan behoort te zijn!  ;)
Titel: Re:Amerikanen zijn Rumsfeld zat
Bericht door: persianBrit op 22-12-2004, 17:20 uur
Wat heeft iedereen toch tegen Bush! Ik ben blij dat die eikel van een Kerry niet gewonnen heeft...

Bush is tenminste een ras echte Amerikaan zoals een Amerikaan behoort te zijn!  ;)

als je het aan mij vraagt zeg ik dat een "ras echte amerikaan" iemand als Donald Trump is (the american succes story).-failliet gaan en toch weer opnieuw beginnen = RESPECT!!!

ik ben het altijd wel eens geweest met de standpunten van de republican party maar ik wil in dit geval wel eens weten wat jij verstaat onder een "ras echte Amerikaan"?

en wat heeft BUSH gepresteert dat hem een ras echte .. maakt.
dan vind ik Arnold Schwartzenegger nog meer een ras echte Amerikaan dan Mr BUSH..  

BUT.... I respect your point of view ;) ;)

Titel: Re:Amerikanen zijn Rumsfeld zat
Bericht door: persianBrit op 22-12-2004, 17:42 uur


Nou Idiot Bush nog en dan zijn we weer happy!!!

die heeft dus duidelijk wel het vertrouwen van de meerderheid van de Amerikanen anders was die niet herkozen.
maar if you don't agree with him than I respect your point of view  ;)
Titel: Re:Amerikanen zijn Rumsfeld zat
Bericht door: xerxesc op 22-12-2004, 22:25 uur
Wat heeft iedereen toch tegen Bush! Ik ben blij dat die eikel van een Kerry niet gewonnen heeft...

Bush is tenminste een ras echte Amerikaan zoals een Amerikaan behoort te zijn!  ;)

Wat heeft iedereen tegen Kerry?  HUH????  Kerry was born in Denver, CO (pretty American to me!!!).  

Bush heeft met een minimale electoral college gewonnen (geen landslide which would warrant the claim to a mandate) en met een 3% popular vote (once again a very small win).  

Ik ben een geregistreerde Democraat en zal dit ook wel blijven (unless Guliani runs for President!).  Ik ben het nu niet eens met de Republikeinse platform, ze zijn niet meer wat ze claimen te zijn, het is een partij die de federal government alleen maar groter will maken (het zijn nu Federalists, something which Republicans back in the day despised!!!!  proof is Tom Delay (Republican from Texas) spoke to the Federalist Society (het probleem Federalism vs. States Rights is een interessant onderdeel van politieke Amerikaanse geschiedenis en is iets waar je in moet verdiepen om Amerikaanse politiek echt te begrijpen).  

Wat ik tegen Bush en zijn administration is dat:

Our education system is crumbling and he has cut $8 billion from the promised funds for education, yet we are spending hundreds of billions of dollars on his war and to rebuild Iraq.

Bush claims he will not pass on our problems to future generations. Where do you think the huge deficit is going to go? Mr. Bush told us we would get to keep more of our own money with his tax relief. Most people got less than $100 and 31% of taxpayers got nothing at all. What happened to the $1000 each he promised?

We have lost over 1000 of our finest young people in a senseless war. He used smoke and mirrors, lies and distortions to justify the war in Iraq.  The discourse from finding weapons of mass Destruction changed to we had to get rid of an "evil dictator" (which was fine with me, just don't lie to me!!!)

unemployment went up dramatically (before 9-11) and even more after and the recovery has been dysmall  (we're probably heading towards another recession)

He has a horrible record on the environment, the State of Alaska will definitely (already is suffering) suffer from the refusal to sign Kyoto protocol.

You can kiss social security goodby!!!!  It's funding the war, and nobody's funding social security!!!!  (the proposed change will cost billions of dollars by the way that has to be financed in some way???  gues who's going to pay!!)

The attempt to federalize marriage to ban gay marriage, to write discrimination in our constitution and to write in our constitution matters that the federal gov. needs to leave to states to legislate....

The attempts of the current legislation to blur the line between separation of church and state outline in the first amendment of the constitution.  (think: Faithbased Initiative)

the further attempts to take away the women's right to choose (abortion; although the partial abortion ban does not to be rewritten and passed)

So many more reasons!!!  I actually almost voted for him in 2000 because of Al Gore (did not like the way he shunned Clinton)  I am waiting for a moderate Republican or sensible democrat!!!!  Bush is not a good president, he reminds me of Nixon mixed with the arrogance of Truman (whom I liked because of his unabashed support of Israel!)
Titel: Re:Amerikanen zijn Rumsfeld zat
Bericht door: persianBrit op 23-12-2004, 17:44 uur
You like truman because of his "unbashed support for Israel".
Truman was no exception; from the second WW onwards, every US president has (rightly) supported the State of Israel = including GW Bush.

however, at times of war the Americans need a strong leader whose policies will (in the long term) benefit both the US , its allies and the once hostile nations like Iraq and Afghanistan who are now one step closer to democracy (Taliban and Saddam are removed , which means that democracy is one step closer)

furthermore, by removing these dictators from power the Bush administration has contributed to a more stable Middle east AND a safer Israel.

do you want to see what president Bush has meant for the States ??

I will quote this student who really says it all for me:

 voted for him for obvious reasons. Saddam Hussein had to go. Whether there were other WMD's there or not, we all know he gassed the Kurds with chemical weapons, invaded Kuwait, did horrible things to his people... Is that not enough for people to invade to save those people? Don't you have any honor? Bush does, even though some (like France) were looking at him and judging him like a peer looking at a kid who refuses to do drugs... "You suck, you're uncool, that's a stupid thing to do... join us, sit back and do nothing to help the Iraqis and Afghanis." So yes, Bush does have morals... He did what no one else would do, except perhaps the Australians.

Kerry claimed Bush's tax cut was only for the wealthy. I'm a poor college student, and that tax cut was very helpful. It stimulated the economy, and the stock market is *still* going up even after election day, because Bush got re-elected. Kerry wants to roll back that tax cut since he claims it went to the wealthy... It's just going to hurt people like me, and as I said, I ain't wealthy, I don't even classify as middle-class, and yet I'm a Republican... the party of "fatcat big corporations". It's ridiculous.

Democrats want to do things like Gore's "lockbox", take your money and control it for you and dole it out as necessary (sounds like Communism to me). Republicans are not for "bigger government", we'd rather let individuals take care of their own issues.

There's rumor that John Kerry was dishonorably discharged, and then pardoned by the President, though I can't confirm that. It does make you wonder why he won't release his military records, though, if he has nothing to hide. Same with his wife's taxes, she won't release them to the public because she donates money to many interesting socialist/communist philanthropist groups. If you think I'm bullsh*tting you, go do the research for yourself.

And for all of you who are pro-gay... Kerry and Edwards practically insulted Cheney's lesbian daughter, and made several off-color comments. Theresa Heinz-Kerry insulted Laura Bush, by saying that she "never had a real job", just because Theresa inherited the Heinz company from her formerly Republican husband. Laura Bush is a teacher, librarian, and a wife/mother, and the First Lady. I mean, jeez, how much does it take for you to see that they aren't nice people?

I'm not going to go on, since it's rather pointless.

this guy sums up all the facts!

Titel: Re:Amerikanen zijn Rumsfeld zat
Bericht door: xerxesc op 24-12-2004, 01:19 uur
You like truman because of his "unbashed support for Israel".
Truman was no exception; from the second WW onwards, every US president has (rightly) supported the State of Israel = including GW Bush.

however, at times of war the Americans need a strong leader whose policies will (in the long term) benefit both the US , its allies and the once hostile nations like Iraq and Afghanistan who are now one step closer to democracy (Taliban and Saddam are removed , which means that democracy is one step closer)

furthermore, by removing these dictators from power the Bush administration has contributed to a more stable Middle east AND a safer Israel.

do you want to see what president Bush has meant for the States ??

I will quote this student who really says it all for me:

 voted for him for obvious reasons. Saddam Hussein had to go. Whether there were other WMD's there or not, we all know he gassed the Kurds with chemical weapons, invaded Kuwait, did horrible things to his people... Is that not enough for people to invade to save those people? Don't you have any honor? Bush does, even though some (like France) were looking at him and judging him like a peer looking at a kid who refuses to do drugs... "You suck, you're uncool, that's a stupid thing to do... join us, sit back and do nothing to help the Iraqis and Afghanis." So yes, Bush does have morals... He did what no one else would do, except perhaps the Australians.

Kerry claimed Bush's tax cut was only for the wealthy. I'm a poor college student, and that tax cut was very helpful. It stimulated the economy, and the stock market is *still* going up even after election day, because Bush got re-elected. Kerry wants to roll back that tax cut since he claims it went to the wealthy... It's just going to hurt people like me, and as I said, I ain't wealthy, I don't even classify as middle-class, and yet I'm a Republican... the party of "fatcat big corporations". It's ridiculous.

Democrats want to do things like Gore's "lockbox", take your money and control it for you and dole it out as necessary (sounds like Communism to me). Republicans are not for "bigger government", we'd rather let individuals take care of their own issues.

There's rumor that John Kerry was dishonorably discharged, and then pardoned by the President, though I can't confirm that. It does make you wonder why he won't release his military records, though, if he has nothing to hide. Same with his wife's taxes, she won't release them to the public because she donates money to many interesting socialist/communist philanthropist groups. If you think I'm bullsh*tting you, go do the research for yourself.

And for all of you who are pro-gay... Kerry and Edwards practically insulted Cheney's lesbian daughter, and made several off-color comments. Theresa Heinz-Kerry insulted Laura Bush, by saying that she "never had a real job", just because Theresa inherited the Heinz company from her formerly Republican husband. Laura Bush is a teacher, librarian, and a wife/mother, and the First Lady. I mean, jeez, how much does it take for you to see that they aren't nice people?

I'm not going to go on, since it's rather pointless.

this guy sums up all the facts!

No, this guy does not sum up all the facts!!!  He's summing up rumors that have never been substantiated...

Republicans claim to always want to minimize the Federal government but if you take a look at Republican administrations starting with Eisenhower, you will see a trend in abhorrent spending in the Republican administrations with cost passed on to democratic administrations; Ronald Reagan minimized government at the cost of Vietnam veterans, mental patients, creating a larger poverty gap since a democrat (Johnson had severely closed it), denied AIDS until in his second administration (GRID which would later become known as AIDS showed up in 1982 in three large US cities!!!!) the late eighties (no allocation of money towards research at all, I wonder why?), all in the name of bankrupting the soviet union.  The federal government expense grew during Republican Reagan and Bush.  (Bush sr. actually hated Ronald Reagan's trickle down economics dubbing it voodoo economics when he ran against Reagan in the 1979 Republican primaries).  Now, we are once again attempting Trickle down economics and last week it's been decided by the White House to cut domestic spending, so your poor Republican student friend is definitely going to feel the tax cuts.  We are at war and have no real way to pay the continued expense; taxes have been cut and we're borrowing money, increasing our deficits to finance this war.  I wholeheartedly agree that we have to fight terrorism and the United States should have the key role in this fight, yet invading Iraq because he had to go, because he was so evil is not and has never been enough of a reason for the US to depose a dictator from their throne (unless we had commodities at stake)  (find out what the term Banana Republic (not the store!!!) means and where it came from!!!!)

No, this guy is wrong and hasn't read the paper today!!!  Pell grants (Federal aid to low income students) has gone down and about 90,000 students will not be able to afford college or will have to work 3 instead of 2 jobs, while my and other Americans tax dollars that were intended to fund these kinds of programs are financing a war that was started on a lie.

John Kerry and Edwards did not insult Cheney's lesbian daughter; they just exposed how Cheney and his wife are willing to go to any lengths to stay in power, by even betraying the interests of their own lesbian daughter.  (she was not part of the convention this time around, she was not on the same platform as the rest of her family to share in the jubilee after Cheney spoke on the third day of the convention).  What off-color remarks is the writer talking about?  (I've never heard either candidate make homophobic comments, I've only heard them make the case of dichotomy between the interest of the President (wants a federal marriage amendment) and Vice president (believes marriage should be regulated by states (states rights).

As far as the lock box, what do you think the social security reform will be, your social security taxes will become private investments, money that you can touch but if you do before a certain age, you will be taxed heavily...  By the way, to put this plan in action (social security reform) will cost billions of dollars, which the taxpayer will have to pay!!!!  

I am very aware that all presidents are pro-Israel, Truman recognized Israel against anti-Semitic opposition (his secretary of state) (this cost him in votes in 1992, do the research!!!!)

There is a certain naivete in the comments that Iraq and Afghanistan are now or one step closer to being democratic.  I believe Afghanistan is closer, but it certainly is not a safe democratic society as of yet, the power is still in hands of drug-lords, etc. while on paper they may have elected a leader the power is still in the hands of these lords.  

I really don't believe Iraq is one step closer to democracy, it might be several steps, but definitely not one step, taking out one dictator does not equate democracy (Haiti is a perfect example!!!).  Now, I understand wanting to be positive about the U.S. and Iraq, believe me, I love my country (the United States of America) with all my heart, but I am also realistic about my leadership, it is not right...  It's not going right, and you're about to experience it in this administration, domestic spending is being cut, our military is spend and the country is incredibly divided (more so than any other presidency I can remember, (I remember Carter, Reagan, Bush, sr. (when I came back to the U.S.), Clinton and Bush), I have not felt the pressure of division as sharply since Reagan's second administration. (it's actually worse!!!)

The comment about Theresa Heinz and Laura Bush, is whatever!!!!!  They all have said stupid shit about one another, the only comment I have about Laura Bush is that for the four years of Bush's first administration Laura Bush had a role of just being the nice White House Hostess, being the good stepford 50's wife with no opinions, saying her prayers and looking great (which she absolutely does!!!), but then open her mouth during the election and have strong (Christian-fed) opinions on Stem-Cell research!!!  Laura, we're no longer in the 50's...  Not all of us want to fit in that model which women fought hard to escape...  (and how much did you charge for your pot by the way????)

Israel is not any safer than before, trust, I know!!!  Iran is crazy and the US will not be able to exercise Bush's political muscle for the needed invasion of that fucked up country!!!  (not the people, but the leadership)  While the EU continues to peddle with who's a terrorist or not (hezbolla anyone) I do agree that I like my US leaders strong and I like the myopic mind of the US in agreeing that the aforementioned organization supported by the EU is actually a terrorist organization!!!  

President Bush's overall record is poor and continues to become poorer by the minute, I don't hate him, (stick to baseball, Bush, you're great at that :D), but I definitely do not like him.