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Maar 1 overlevende in West-Viginia mijnexplosie

Discussie gestart


Lekker geblunderd!!! Doen ze natuurlijk niet met opzet maar toch...  :(


Grief, anger as all but one miner found dead
Initial reports indicated 12 had survived

Wednesday, January 4, 2006; Posted: 5:36 a.m. EST (10:36 GMT)

TALLMANSVILLE, West Virginia (CNN) -- Grief and anger replaced jubilation early Wednesday as mine officials announced that, despite earlier reports, only one of 13 trapped miners had survived a West Virginia mining accident.

Late Tuesday, word spread among family members that 12 miners had been found alive at the Sago Mine. Celebrations erupted as church bells rang out.

Hours later, however, some miners' loved ones -- some angry, others silently dejected -- began leaving the community church that had been their sanctuary since the ordeal began Monday morning.

What they had to say was unbelievable in light of the earlier news of a "miracle" in the mine.

The few who would talk to the gathered media said mining officials had told them only one of the miners had survived.

Mining company officials then confirmed it at a news conference.

Ben Hatfield, the CEO of International Coal Group, which owns the Sago Mine, called it the "worst day of my life."

Hatfield said "miscommunication" between rescue crews and the command center had caused the earlier erroneous reports that 12 miners had survived.
#1 - 04-01-2006, 11:50 uur
"There is nothing wrong with America that cannot be cured by what is right with America"

NYC in 4 dagen! :


Lekker geblunderd!!! Doen ze natuurlijk niet met opzet maar toch...  :(


Grief, anger as all but one miner found dead
Initial reports indicated 12 had survived

Wednesday, January 4, 2006; Posted: 5:36 a.m. EST (10:36 GMT)

TALLMANSVILLE, West Virginia (CNN) -- Grief and anger replaced jubilation early Wednesday as mine officials announced that, despite earlier reports, only one of 13 trapped miners had survived a West Virginia mining accident.

Late Tuesday, word spread among family members that 12 miners had been found alive at the Sago Mine. Celebrations erupted as church bells rang out.

Hours later, however, some miners' loved ones -- some angry, others silently dejected -- began leaving the community church that had been their sanctuary since the ordeal began Monday morning.

What they had to say was unbelievable in light of the earlier news of a "miracle" in the mine.

The few who would talk to the gathered media said mining officials had told them only one of the miners had survived.

Mining company officials then confirmed it at a news conference.

Ben Hatfield, the CEO of International Coal Group, which owns the Sago Mine, called it the "worst day of my life."

Hatfield said "miscommunication" between rescue crews and the command center had caused the earlier erroneous reports that 12 miners had survived.

Waar mensen werken worden fouten gemaakt ... maar een echt blunder is het echt wel.
Eerst gaan mensen op blote voeten naar de kerk omdat ze kregen te horen dat broerlief toch nog leeft,
en dan later het verschrikkelijke nieuws horen dat er maar 1 man het heeft overleeft van de 13 mijnwerkers.

#2 - 04-01-2006, 15:46 uur


Twee ochtendkranten, de ene net iets later naar de pers gegaan dan de andere.
#3 - 08-01-2006, 06:54 uur


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