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my green card was taken away .....

Discussie gestart


Thank you for welcoming me to your site!'
Now for my intro ...
My name is Marjean. I was born in BritishColumbia, Canada. I then moved to Holland, Miichigan and lived there (with a green card) for almost 30 years.
I meet my (Dutch) husband on vacation, and the rest is the almost 18 years I've been living here in the Netherlands.
I have one son, who's almost 15 years of age.
I've traveled back and forth to many times to count and have spent many vacations there, by being in the "wrong" line at the "wrong" time and place, my green card was taken away :'(
We've been busy a number of years trying to get the paper work to move back to no avail!
Anyway I was hoping that SOMEONE out there might be able to assist me in my quest to move back!
At the same time ... I am able to share alot of tips and suggestions for people who have questions about travels in the US.
Thanks again for the warm welcome!
p.s.While i feel that I've conquered the dutch language verbally, writing remains a "ramp".
 if you EVER need a good laugh ... ask me to write something in dutch!
#1 - 28-08-2008, 13:52 uur


Ik neem aan dat je je groene kaart kwijt bent. Als je een visum hebt, vragen ze altijd hoe lang je wilt blijven, als je een groene kaart hebt, vragen ze hoe lang je bent weggeweest. Langer dan een half jaar weg is meestal groene kaart weg, het is een vergunning om in de VS te blijven, niet om lang weg te gaan.

Als je alles nog een keer over mocht doen, had je natuurlijk Amerikaan kunnen/moeten worden, dan mag je wegblijven zo lang je wilt.

Ik neem aan dat je nog steeds Canadese bent. Misschien kun je het via die weg nog een keer proberen. Anders zal het een vakantievisum moeten worden als je langer dan de 3 maanden van de visa waiver in de VS wilt blijven (en je mag dan natuurlijk niet werken).

#2 - 28-08-2008, 16:11 uur


They said that becuase I was out the country(usa) for more than 6 months ... that I voluntarily gave up the right to be a green card holder :'(.
Yes, I'm still Canadian and have become 1/2 Dutch since then ... to keep all bases covered.
It's actually harder to get in the States from Canada then from the Netherlands!
for example you can't participate in the green card lottery if you're from Canada.
Since all this transpirred ... my mother has become an american along with my sister and brothers.
We have filed through my mother, have received the papers that we are more or less on the "undetermined" long waiting list!
What I''m looking for is a loop hole, if there is one.
We could "just" move there, Cnadians can stay for up to six months ...
most states cannot deny public education, my husband is retired, our home is paid in full ... so finances are not an issue,
however my son would not be eligible for a social security number...not a very promising realistic future for him!
IF there's ANYONE who might have a clue to another option, I sure would appreciate it!

#3 - 28-08-2008, 17:57 uur


Mag je niet met je Nederlands paspoort (als je dat hebt) meedoen aan de Green Card Lottery??? Of kan dat niet omdat je ook Canadese bent? Je kunt in ieder geval wel je man mee laten doen en als hij dan wint kunnen jullie samen er naar toe. Als je zelf ook nog mee kunt doen dan hebben jullie dubbel zoveel kans.

Een andere mogelijkheid zou ik niet weten, buiten het E2 (??) visum om er flink te investeren in een bedrijf en enkele Amerikanen aan het werk te zetten.


Gr. Pieter
#4 - 28-08-2008, 20:46 uur
"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."
Inventor ***9 Patents Granted*** (Update Oct-2023)


We have filed for the lottery every year. As far as the flink investering ... ja ... I was sort of hoping that after 50 life was supposed to get easier!
And with the economy being what it is right now in america ... it's a big risk!
Appreciate your input! Keep those suggestions coming!
#5 - 28-08-2008, 21:05 uur


Waarom wil je absoluut naar de VS?

Canada is ook groot, en is in sommige opzichten Als je Nederland echt uit wilt, waarom ga je dan niet terug naar Canada. Is zelfs iets beschaafder dan de VS (met een algemene gezondheidszorg, bijvoorbeeld).

#6 - 29-08-2008, 03:18 uur

wim put

Dat is hetzelfde wat mijn vrouw heeft meegemaakt. Haar eerste man was een Amerikaan. Kreeg automatisch a green card. Na de scheiding is terug naar Nederland gekomen. Maar op de green card stond geen verlopingsdatum en dachten dat die altijd geldig was, maar tervergeefs. We hebben de ambassade gebeld en die zei dat die niet geldig was als je een lange tijd weg ben uit de VS ondanks dat we ieder jaar op vakantie gingen. Het enige wat  we kunnen doen is green card lottery of je moet een advocaat nemen die gespecialiseerd is in deze onderwerp. Want de Mexicanen doen dat ook.
Veel succes
#7 - 29-08-2008, 06:41 uur


Canada will always remain an option.
 After a long research on the internet ... we decided to go and take a "look" there.
Being that my family lives in Michigan I looked into several options that were within "reach" of Michigan. We looked in the London, Ontario area,
 made several appointments with diverse people, checked everything from the prices of houses, taxes, and even groceries.
Canada is beautiful with many advantages however they're not cheap. The cost of living there is quite high, and to live there and do what we want to do ...
would require that the both of us would have to work full-time. We're both in our 50's and the job market isn't screaming for help there either!
"Glad" to hear that I'm not the ONLY one that is in this situation!
It really doesn't seem fair - I worked there, for the City of Holland Michigan, paid taxes, owned my own home and nothing is taken into consideration for getting th paper work processed!
I know .... should have become an American when I WAS there ... but that's too late! :'(
Thanks for the reactions thus far ....
#8 - 29-08-2008, 17:24 uur


p.s. about the lawyer thing, done that too...even tried a "Mexican" lawyer, he had some pretty dubious suggestions so decided NOT to go that route.
I have a lawyer in Michigan and they said there's really no way that you can "speed" up the process.
I'm a firm believer in "talking" to people, through that MAYBE, just MAYBE someone will know something that will help!
#9 - 29-08-2008, 17:30 uur


Is er dan geen mogelijkheid om via de familie in Amerika te geraken?
Of is die familie niet 1e graads?
#10 - 29-08-2008, 18:09 uur
Groetjes Petra


I filed through my mother two years ago. Because I'm married we fall in the third catagory!
I've heard since then it can take up to 15 years :(.
#11 - 29-08-2008, 18:48 uur


Leven in de VS is ook niet goedkoop, de belastingen zijn wel laag, maar als je de kosten voor een ziekteverzekering (als je die al krijgen kunt) daarbij optelt, plus de plaatselijke belasting (meer dan $6.000 per jaar hier in St. Paul, MN) kom je toch aardig in de buurt van Canada/

Ik zou toch echt naar Canada gaan als je Nederland uit wilt. Na zo lang in het zorgsysteem in Nederland te hebben gezeten, kun je je beoorlijk vergissen over hoe "paradijselijk" Amerika wel (niet) is!

#12 - 29-08-2008, 23:41 uur


Als je in Sarnia ON gaat wonen in Canada woon je maar 320km van Holland in Michigan af! Je kunt dan daar alvast gaan wonen, en met je Nederlandse paspoort doe je mee aan de Green Card Lottery! Klinkt niet verkeerd, toch??!
#13 - 30-08-2008, 09:41 uur
"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."
Inventor ***9 Patents Granted*** (Update Oct-2023)


Have you ever been to Sarnia??????  ::) There's really not a whole lot going on. That's why we checked further to London, Ontario.
My husband is retired from the *******************, and therefore can "carry" over our insurance from here to there.
Being that I've lived there already for almost 30 years (!) I know the area well, and know what areas are cheaper as far as taxes are concerned.
Knowing the ins and outs of the area are a big plus ... and knowing this keeps my budget for cost of living (perhaps) lower than for alot of people!
Again ... I appreciate any input!
p.s. it's not that I don't like living here in the Netherlands ... it's just that feeling of not being at home.

#14 - 30-08-2008, 17:03 uur


Being the newbie on us4all ... perhaps this should be under another catagory ...
I just found a site where there is a seminar over immigration October 1 in Soesterberg and another in November 17 in Belguim.
Has ANYONE out there ever been to this sort of seminar before to say if it would be worth the time to go?
Please advise! Thanks again!
p.s. found the informaton on the amerika.startpagina
#15 - 30-08-2008, 19:35 uur


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